Feeling overwhelmed and close to burnout? You're not alone. Over half of women in leadership face this challenge.
With over 20 years of experience leading large corporations and executives, we understand the ever-evolving business landscape and the impact of burnout on leadership, productivity, retention and your bottom line.
What sets us apart? Our background in psychology and human behavior. Personal and business success go hand in hand. We leverage this unique perspective to help female business owners overcome the very roadblocks that may be holding them back.
We’re here to build a bridge between your personal growth and business success, because we know that unlocking business potential starts with unlocking human potential.

Create a business around your ideal lifestyle

My Wake-Up Call

One of the most profound lessons I learned came during my second pregnancy with my daughter, Ryann. At the time, I was working for a Fortune 100 Company as a Director of Business Development.

Eight months into my pregnancy, my doctor put me on bed rest, but I had recently landed a mammoth client that was about to make my company a lot of money. I was given a ludicrous ultimatum by my boss. We needed to fly from Michigan to Nova Scotia — an eight-hour international flight — to close a $500M deal. If I was successful, my commission on that deal alone would exceed six figures.

It seemed like an impossible decision to make, but I had a plan, and I thought it was a good one. I was leading a team of 25 people and plenty of them were capable of standing in for me. I chose the person I felt was the most prepared to pitch the offer to the client. After laying out my well-thought-out plan to my boss, expressionless, he replied, “That’s fine, but she will also receive your commission.” I couldn’t believe my ears.

I made it through the flight with no problems, but as we were pitching the client, I started experiencing some nausea and a tightness in my belly. I knew something was wrong but I kept it to myself, pushed through it, and closed the deal. With everyone feeling on cloud nine, we got back on the jet to head home.

About two hours into the flight, my relief turned into sheer panic when I began cramping uncontrollably. I was petrified.

When we landed, I was taken directly to the hospital and thank heaven, the medics were able to stop the labor. Miraculously, my daughter was just fine, but I was overtaken with guilt at the choices I had made. I had the grim realization that I had risked the life of my child and possibly my own over my career and money.

In the hospital, rather than feeling elation for my beautiful daughter, I was sent into a dark, downward spiral, questioning everything about my life. I had worked so incredibly hard to get to the place I was in my career.

Part of me needed and felt I deserved the recognition for what I had achieved, and the other part of me didn’t even recognize the woman who got on that plane. I reflected on many of the choices I’d made over the past ten years, and there weren’t many I was very proud of. Something had to change. I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and a far cry from being the role model I wanted to be for my two children. I was, however, a bright, shining example that it was acceptable to work so hard you have nothing left for yourself or your family.

Growing up, my parents had instilled in me the belief that working hard now would lead to relaxation and enjoyment of success later. However, I began to realize that if I continued on this path, that 'someday' I had been waiting for might never come. I wanted to teach my children the importance of living in the present, and cherishing every moment to the fullest. Although I had prioritized a six-figure income and loyalty to my company over my core values, I recognized that unlike my mother and my grandmother before me, I had choices.

My Mission

I'm committed to helping women redefine success on their own terms. If you're feeling weighed down by guilt, financial stress, or a sense of isolation, know that you're not alone—I've been there too. My purpose is to guide you through the ups and downs, helping you find joy and fulfillment.

Let's embark on this journey together, exploring possibilities and doing the challenging but rewarding work of crafting the life you truly desire. Whether the road ahead requires a course correction or a whole new map, I've got the expertise and empathy to help you navigate.

Brooke's Bio

With over three decades of high-impact leadership roles ranging from CEO and Chief Sales Officer to President and Master Trainer, Brooke M. Dukes is a transformational force in the business world. She has an innate ability to connect with business owners, C-suite executives, and driven entrepreneurs, identifying the obstacles hindering their growth. Brooke crafts tailored strategic plans that align with each individual’s personal aspirations and objectives, guiding her clients on a path to ultimate success and fulfillment.

Renowned for her expertise in psychology and human behavior transformation, Brooke has collaborated with corporations including United Airlines, IBM, and Lear, specializing in leadership development, sales training, and executive presence. She also excels in enhancing communication skills and engagement levels, driving optimal organizational talent retention.

Holding a B.S. from Michigan State University, Brooke is not only a career-driven professional, but also a family woman who has raised two wonderful young adults alongside her partner, Ryan. Based in Austin, Texas, Brooke passionately travels the world empowering women to design and live the life of their dreams.


I’m a business consultant who works with dynamic female business owners, C-Suite Executives, and entrepreneurs, empowering them to achieve not only business success but also a fulfilling work-life balance. Your dream business should enhance your life, not drain it.

Leveraging my 20 years of experience leading large corporations and executives, I've empowered countless women through tailored business consulting, transformative programs, and supportive mastermind communities.

Our track record speaks for itself. Hundreds of female leaders credit our approach with enabling them to "have it all." This means not only running a thriving business but also cultivating a harmonious partnership, setting an example for their children, and enjoying personal happiness and well-being. Let's work together to make your business journey a fulfilling one.

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