Imagine this...

You're running a successful business, making a positive impact, and living life happily on your terms. 

Would your life look any different to what it does now? It definitely would.

But the chances are, right now you feel unsupported and isolated, constantly battling imposter syndrome, overwhelmed by the demands of your business, and on the brink of burnout.

You’re struggling with maintaining a work-life balance, feeling unworthy of your success, and forgetting what truly lights you up.

Even though you spend 80-100 hours a week working, you end up feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, and questioning if it's all worth it in the end.

And what’s even worse?

  • Not prioritizing your health and relationships.
  • Sacrificing happiness for success.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, out of control, and frustrated - never being sure whether anything is moving forward or not.

If you're nodding along, it's a red flag that something's wrong.

Could you achieve success AND fulfillment?

Most definitely. 

Doing everything yourself and striving for perfection only leads to more stress and dissatisfaction.

We help you find your genius,  tap into your intuition, and be authentically YOU.

We empower you to reconnect with your feminine power, redefine success, and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

Achieving success and happiness is way EASIER because you have the support, guidance, and clarity to make empowered decisions.

I will guide you through the process of reclaiming your joy, achieving work-life balance, and feeling worthy of your success.

It's basically reclaiming your power and living life on your terms.

“It sounds too good to be true.”

I know, I hear this all the time. And you’re right — I believe you should NEVER trust a complete stranger, without having a good reason or PROOF to do so. Especially not in business. So, here’s what my clients say:

Alia Kahn

Owner Oak + Lotus Studio

To say that working with Brooke has been transformative comes nowhere close to capturing the full scope of the impact my work with her has had on my life.

Benah Parker

CEO Level 42 Consulting

When I have felt undervalued, underutilized, or even unappreciated, …[and] I didn’t feel like I was delivering the value and impact I wanted to deliver, Brooke has been a consistent voice helping me refine my own vision and rebuild my confidence in my capabilities.

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My Mission

I'm committed to helping women redefine success on their own terms. If you're feeling weighed down by guilt, financial stress, or a sense of isolation, know that you're not alone—I've been there too. My purpose is to guide you through the ups and downs, helping you find joy, success and fulfillment both in business and life.

Let's embark on this journey together, exploring possibilities and doing the challenging but rewarding work of crafting the life you truly desire. Whether the road ahead requires a course correction or a whole new map, I've got the expertise and empathy to help you navigate.

Brooke's Bio

With over three decades of high-impact leadership roles ranging from CEO and Chief Sales Officer to President and Master Trainer, Brooke stands as  a transformational force in the business and personal development arenas.  Her innate ability to forge deep connections with business owners, C-suite executives, and ambitious  entrepreneurs is truly remarkable. She possesses a level of intuitive intelligence that ensures opportunities for growth and fulfillment are identified with ease, leading clients to rapid breakthroughs. , 

By fusing behavioral science, NLP and Human Design Intelligence, Brooke has developed groundbreaking programs and services designed to navigate the complexities of both professional leadership and personal growth. This work offers women the pathway to better connect with their unique brilliance, step into their genius and create increased fulfillment in all areas of their lives. 

Holding a B.S. from Michigan State University, Brooke’s  professional achievements are paralleled by her dedication to family life, having raised two wonderful young adults with  her partner, Ryan. Based in Austin, Texas, Brooke’s passion extends beyond her immediate surroundings. She is a global force, traveling the world with a mission to empower women to design and live the life of their dreams. 

Brooke’s unmissable internationally best selling book, Burn On Not Out - Finding Fulfillment Beyond Success is now available here.  

I’m passionate about helping female business owners, C-suite executives, and entrepreneurs, illuminate their path to not just business success, but a life rich with fulfillment. Your business should be a source of energy not exhaustion. 

Drawing on decades of leadership and a deep dive into the human psyche through psychology, behavioral science, NLP and the groundbreaking principles of Human Design, I’ve redefined what it means to lead and succeed. My programs, consulting  and membership community are not just about business growth, but about igniting the full spectrum of your potential. 
Our success stories are numerous, with countless women achieving the seemingly impossible dream of “having it all”: a flourishing business, a life of joy, and a legacy of balance. Together, let's redefine success on your terms, blending business achievement with personal fulfillment for a journey that’s as rewarding as the destination.

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