Fulfillment by Design Community

Discover your purpose, attract abundance, and create the fulfillment AND success you deserve with the Fulfillment by Design Community (FDC)

Join the Community

To the overwhelmed, struggling, and frustrated:

I know you want more, you know you deserve more.

But you have no idea how to be successful AND fulfilled at the same time.

Maybe you’re afraid of failure? Dealing with perfectionism, imposter syndrome…

Maybe you bought into the fairy tale we’re all taught; if I work hard and grind now I will be able to relax and enjoy life later. How’s that working out?

Maybe you’re overwhelmed and confused about the next step to take toward your goals, unsure of how to listen to or trust your intuition.

Or maybe you don’t even know WHAT is preventing you from having what you want… there’s just this feeling of stuckness that won’t go away.

You’re not alone. So many people come to me desperately wanting to change their life, but they don’t know where to start. They know they have a great potential inside of them — and that they were designed for something more — but they’re overwhelmed and close to burnout so starting something new seems impossible.

Sound familiar? Good. Because I have a solution for you…

It's time to step out of your comfort zone & try something new.

If you’re reading this page, then you may already know that Human Design is the fastest way to create success AND fulfillment.

The thriving business, boundless abundance, profound impact, and meaningful relationships.

Human Design isn’t about rigid rules. It shouldn’t limit you or define your behavior.

It’s an adventure — where you explore your unique design to unlock success AND fulfillment.

And that’s exactly what we’ll do together in The Fulfillment by Design Community (FDC).

Get Started Today

FDC is your guide to creating success AND fulfillment!


If you know me and my work, you'll know that Human Design isn’t about strict “rules” for your life.

It’s about finding the right places in your chart to uncover your unique energy blueprint, your purpose, how to achieve success, how you can earn more money, and much more.

Many people get stuck here! Maybe you feel the same.

Perhaps you’re unsure how to connect all the dots in a meaningful way that can transform your life, relationships, and success.

That's why I created The Fulfillment by Design Community (FDC)

Here, the confusion ends and true transformation begins!

Hi, I'm Brooke Dukes

The Founder of BMD Consulting and the Fulfillment by Design Community™ (FDC).

I'm an International Best Selling Author, Transformational Leadership Consultant, Human Behavioral Specialist, and Certified Human Design Coach. I combine Human Design with NLP, the Gene Keys, and transformational coaching and behavior change, so you can ACTUALLY implement it in your life.

My passion is to inspire you to unlock your inner wisdom, reclaim your power, and feel confident in your decisions.

And I know that FDC is the tool to help you get there.

How do I know? Because this method has transformed my life. It’s given me the freedom to live life on MY terms, break all the rules, and create massive success while doing it.

Understanding my Human Design has helped me understand myself better, given me the courage to be myself, and trust that I will succeed in every area of my life, even if I don’t see a clear path.

You can trust that the right people, places and opportunities will come to you too. But it takes more than just knowing your Human Design; you have to integrate it into your life. With over 20 years of behavior coaching experience, I specialize in helping you do just that.

In the Fulfillment by Design Community, you'll learn how to live your design, trust yourself, and manifest your purpose, financial goals, and abundance while making a meaningful impact. Join us and become the master of your life.

The FDC Difference


The Fulfillment by Design Membership Community is not your typical membership. It's NOT just a bunch of videos to watch alone. Instead, it offers real-time support through our community - people just like you - our live classes, and exclusive experiences led by me and a team of expert coaches.

This community is interactive, integrative, and empowering, designed to bring about transformation in your life.

We use the Fulfillment by Design Method inside, which goes beyond just understanding your chart. It combines the Gene Keys, NLP, Mindset/Transformation coaching, and Intuition to recondition your brain, change behavior, and truly integrate your Human Design into your life.

Here, we help you use your Human Design to create both success AND fulfillment. You'll learn how to apply your chart to your life for meaningful, lasting change.

This is a place for those who want to live life on their terms and be guided to stand in their truth.

It's where people empower each other to create the life of their dreams. It's a place for YOU.

Sign Up Today

What's inside FDC?

Inside the Fulfillment by Design Community (FDC), you'll find everything you need to uncover your unique gifts, understand your obstacles, integrate your Human Design, and completely transform your life. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:

Monthly Live Calls

You'll have access to multiple live calls and Q&A sessions every month with me, our team of master coaches, and guest teachers. These live calls support your journey and complement the content in the membership modules.

You'll have opportunities for hot seat coaching, personalized guidance, and connecting with our wonderful community.

Additionally, we offer various 6-week workshop series taught by highly sought-after experts. These series are exclusive to FDC and run live every few months, ensuring your transformation continues at a steady pace. You'll also have access to all previous recordings, which are valued at over $40,000 and are constantly expanding!

Learning Modules and Resources

FDM offers recorded lessons on Human Design, Leadership, Communication, Mindset, Health and Wellness and more. You can watch these lessons at your own pace.

You'll not only learn about your Human Design but also get teachings from experts worldwide. These teachings are designed to help you use the information in your daily life.

Each lesson includes journal prompts, exercises, and extra resources to help you apply what you've learned in real life.

Panel Discussion's & Human Design in Real Life

I’ve been told one of the most life changing parts of FDC is when members share their real-life stories in panels. It's amazing to see how what we learn in theory doesn't always match up with real life experiences. These panels are transformative!

Connection, Community & Support

When you join FDC, you get access to our members-only community. It's a place where you can chat, get support, and feel connected.

Our team of master coaches, including me, are there too, ready to help you along the way. We make sure nobody feels left out. It's really an amazing community to be a part of!

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Money Back Guarantee

We’re so confident that you’re going to love the Fulfillment by Design Community, that we will remove all the risk for you. If for any reason you’re not 100% thrilled with your membership in the first 30 days, we will happily refund your investment.

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