Wanna keep top talent? Create a learning culture.

Mar 11, 2024

If finding and keeping the best people feels like a struggle, the secret might be in the culture of your workplace. Over a billion jobs are going to shift in some way in the next five years. That's a whole lot of people needing to either pick up new skills or sharpen the ones they've got. Companies are already investing a chunk of change—about $1,300 per person—on making their teams smarter and more skilled. 

Having a company culture where continuous learning is part of the daily routine is like a magnet for the best people. When your company has a strong learning culture, you not only catch the eye of great talent with your strong reputation, but you also offer them endless chances to get better at what they do. Plus, when the bosses and their teams really get each other, work just flows better, and everyone's happier. And the best part? Even if folks move on, they leave loving it so much that they still sing your praises.

Think about it. If you were looking for a place to grow your career, wouldn't you pick a place that's all about helping you get better and feel good about your work? Wouldn't you pick a place that has a culture of learning? That's why making learning a top priority at your company isn't just nice to have; it's a must-do. It's what keeps people sticking around for the long haul and happy about where they're at.

It's exciting to think about the future and all the opportunities it brings. But it's also a bit overwhelming, right? Jobs are shifting faster than ever, and it can feel like trying to hit a moving target. So, the big question is, what skills should people focus on to stay ahead in a world that's always changing? How do we build a culture where everyone's learning all the time amidst all this flux?

Companies have a big role to play in helping their teams become super learners. This means creating an environment where employees have a growth mindset, are interested in learning new things, know how to learn effectively, and can apply their new knowledge to improve their work and boost their team's success.

In essence, it's about encouraging a mindset where learning is as natural as breathing, ensuring everyone has the tools and opportunities to keep growing, and recognizing the value of using new skills to make a real impact. It's not just about keeping up with change; it's about embracing it, learning from it, and using it to drive forward.

Let's dive into the best practices and hurdles of creating a learning culture:

A Strong Foundation

Keeping your top talent around and bringing in new stars is like making sure your garden grows healthy and strong. Think of your team as the soil, water, and sunshine all rolled into one. They're what make your business bloom. It's crucial to get into their shoes and see your company through their eyes. What makes them stick around? Is it the pay, the work culture, the growth opportunities, or maybe the way the company helps the community?

Remember, every person in your team has their own story, dreams, and goals. The more you tune into these, the better you can create a workplace that feels like home, or even better, a launchpad for their career development aspirations. It's about crafting an environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and excited to show up every day. This is what turns a job into a career and a company into a community. And when people feel they're growing and contributing to something bigger than themselves, they're not just employees; they're ambassadors of your brand, proud to be a part of your journey. So, it's all about building those connections, celebrating the wins together, and supporting each other through the challenges. That's the secret sauce to not just attracting the best but keeping them engaged and motivated for the long haul.

A Clear, Concise Mission

A lot of times, companies mix up what they're aiming for in the future (that's their vision) with the reason they're in business in the first place (that's their mission). Think of your vision as the dream destination you're working towards, and your mission as the journey you're on to get there. Take Google, for example. Their mission is pretty cool: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

When you nail down a mission that really means something and get everyone on board, it's like lighting a fire under your team.  It's also an important part of your business strategy. They feel like they're part of something much bigger than just their job. It's not just about making work more exciting for them; a strong, clear mission can also make people want to stick around longer. Plus, it tells the whole world why your company matters in the grand scheme of things.

Defined Company Values

Company values show everyone the best way to act at work. They demonstrate the behaviors that get noticed and cheered on in your company. By making sure everyone knows what these values are, you're basically giving them a map to success in their jobs, which is really important if you want to be in the learning process together.

But here's the catch: these values need to be very clear, straight to the point, and easy to remember for everyone from the front desk to the top floor. When your team gets what the values are all about and really believes in them, they attract more people who will fit right in. Plus, it makes it a whole lot easier to keep the great ones around.

Money Issues

Money can be tight, and let's be honest, the way cash flows can change like the weather. So when it comes to training and helping your team grow, you've got to be smart about where you put your dollars. It's all about making sure that every penny you spend on learning resources is like planting a seed that'll grow into something bigger and better for your business. You want to invest in ways that not only teach your team cool new skills but also help your company shine even brighter. It's not just about spending money; it's about investing it wisely so that both your people and your business come out ahead.

Tech Moves Fast

Just like our phones keep updating, the skills we need at work change all the time too. To keep everyone on their A-game, companies need to keep finding new things for their teams to learn and new ways for them to learn them. It's a bit like updating your apps—you've got to keep them fresh so they work well. For businesses, this means finding the coolest, most useful training programs that make learning fun and keep everyone's skills sharp. That way, the company stays competitive, and everyone feels like they're growing and not just stuck doing the same old thing.

Getting Everyone Involved

Getting everyone pumped about learning at work can be as tough as getting kids excited about veggies. So what can a company do? Well, it’s about getting creative and making learning as enjoyable and flexible as playtime.

Imagine mixing up how we learn—sometimes it’s a game on your phone, other times it’s a chat with coworkers, or maybe even a challenge where you can win something cool. It’s about finding those sweet spots that fit into everyone’s busy day and match what they’re curious about. When learning feels less like a chore and more like fun, people are more likely to jump in and give it their all.

Working From Home

With lots of us swapping office chairs for the couch at home, the old-school classroom style of learning is looking a bit like a dusty VHS tape. It's time for businesses to get with the times and hop on the online train. Learning from home can be just as cool as streaming your favorite show if it's done right.

So what do companies need to do? They've gotta dive into the digital world and make learning something you can click into as easily as a video call. This means getting all that tech stuff sorted so it's a breeze for people to learn new tricks from the comfort of their living room. It’s all about making sure that when someone wants to learn something new, they can just tap, swipe, or click their way to growing their skills with easy online training courses. 

Seeing the Results

Seeing if the training is actually working can be as tricky as trying to solve a mystery. But here's the thing, businesses really need to play detective and figure out if all these learning programs are worth it. Are they helping the team do better? Are jobs getting done quicker or smarter?

You don't just want to throw training out there and hope for the best. You want to know for sure that it's making things better at work. So, businesses need to come up with an easy way to track training results. Maybe it's checking how fast tasks get done before and after training, or maybe it's asking the team how they feel about their work. The goal is to make sure that when people learn new skills, it's not just for fun – it's making them ninjas at their jobs. 

Making It Personal

Finding the perfect training that fits everyone just right can be tough because everyone has their own needs. But here's the rub: making a custom learning plan for each person could eat up time and money like nobody's business.

So, what's the trick? It's all about creating training that feels like it's made just for you, even though it's actually designed for a bunch of people. That's not an easy thing to pull off. It's a bit like making a playlist that somehow gets everyone at the party dancing. Businesses have to get super smart about this, finding ways to make learning flexible and personal without breaking the bank. It's all about giving people different ways to learn the same thing, so they can pick what suits them best and still end up rocking at their jobs.

Rules and Regulations

Staying on top of all the different laws and regulations can be tricky, especially for businesses that are spread out in lots of places, each with its own set of rules. It's a bit like trying to follow a bunch of different recipes in the kitchen at the same time.

Companies need to make sure everyone on the team knows the rules of the game, no matter where they're playing. That means training everybody up so they're in the know about the do's and don'ts. It's very important, but it's not simple.

So, businesses have to be on the ball, creating training that's clear and fits the bill for each place they work in. It's a big job, but when it's done right, it means everyone's moving to the same beat, and that's what keeps the business growing smoothly.

Tackling these issues means thinking ahead, using tech smartly, building a culture where learning is part of the job, and making sure training helps achieve the company's big-picture goals.

By establishing a culture of learning through promoting desired behaviors, defining your company values, refocusing your leadership, and identifying a clear, concise mission, it becomes much,  much easier to attract and retain top talent. 

 To learn how you can create a learning culture, book a FREE Discovery
with me today!

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