Balancing Ambition and Parenthood Without Guilt strategy successful entrepreneurs Jun 28, 2024

It’s a familiar story.

You’re ambitious with a successful career. You enjoy your work and want to keep climbing. 

You’re also a parent. You want to be the perfect mom or dad but how can you when you also love your work? 

It feels like an impossible balancing act.


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The conscious vs the unconscious - Why your mind is the battlefield you must conquer for success. human design strategy successful entrepreneurs Jun 14, 2024

As I was working with one of my executive coaching clients this week, we started exploring a topic I love - the conscious and unconscious mind. He wanted to understand the role the unconscious mind plays in whether the dreams we have for ourselves will be realized…or fall flat. 


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5 Actionable Tips for Executives to Create a Positive Work Environment - Improve Employee Well-being, and Amplify Productivity human design strategy successful entrepreneurs May 30, 2024

Achieve exceptional heights in leadership and well-being, one thoughtful step at a time.

What does it take to inspire your team, not just manage them? What if you could lead your team to impressive achievements without the relentless rush, but with thoughtful, mindful steps instead? How can we...

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The Path To True Fulfillment (Without Sacrificing Success) human design strategy successful entrepreneurs May 22, 2024

Many of us have been there, feeling like there must be more to life than what we're experiencing. We're taught to work hard and follow the rules, believing that success and fulfillment will naturally follow. But sometimes, despite our efforts, we find ourselves yearning for deeper meaning and...

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Fueling Female Entrepreneurship: The Power of an Entrepreneur Coach successful entrepreneurs Nov 06, 2023
By: Brooke M. Dukes

You've probably heard the term 'entrepreneur coach' buzzing around your networking circles. And, while the concept of coaching has been around for a while, particularly in sports and personal development, its importance in the business world is finally starting to be...

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